Tuesday, March 20, 2012


I am happy, nay excited -- scratch that -- EXTATIC to announce that I am out of Middlemarch and back to civilization and sanity.

I am back in Wanaka where I'll be working at a cafĂ© as a Barista (stay in school kids!).  Luckily I found a place willing to sponsor my work Visa thus allowing me to say Sayonara to the terrible existence I was living down in rural Central Otago.

Not to say it was all bad (it was mostly bad).  I managed to save a fair bit of money, I got to go to Dunedin and actually be in a real (albeit small) city every once in a while (Wanaka is a good 3 hours from anything resembling a real city).  It was nice being somewhat part of a community again. And most of all, many of people there were great and I’ll miss them:

My former co-worker Christine and her boys were extremely generous, welcoming and a riot to be around.  My neighbour Shannon was always great for a visit and was a hoot to talk with. A few of the shop’s “regulars” were good fun and seemed genuinely sad to see me go.  Lynette, Holly and Hilary were fun to work with. And in my last 10 days in the village I got to start to get to know Norma, who was funny, charming, and pretty much all-round awesome (former journalist from South Africa, married to one of the country’s most respected brewers), and her two cute dogs.

But as great as those people are, I’m happy to be out of Middlemarch – being there was killing me from the inside out.

So here I am back in Wanaka, back where I can walk to a grocery store, or an Indian restaurant, or a pharmacy.  Back where there’s a bank, and a shoe store, and a lake. 

And best of all, I’m back where Scruff is!
