Sunday, September 18, 2011


I have my new passport.  It arrived last Tuesday at 8:30 in the morning, and as soon as the courier left, I burst into tears -- I really don't want to go.  Though it was a pain in the ass being in limbo, at least not having that passport gave me carte blanche to ignore the fact that I have to leave soon.

But having that passport in hand does not mean that my bureaucratic woes are done.  Oh no!  I still have the visa situation to deal with.

If you recall, I had to undergo a rather intensive and invasive and expensive medical in order to apply for the visitors' visa. I was told the results would take about four or five days to come back from the lab.  However, when I called on the morning of the fifth day, I was told it was in fact a two-week turnaround.  This was the 14th; my working holiday visa expired on the 15th, and I received the passport on the 13th. Things were tight. 

Luckily, when I presented myself to the Immigration NZ office they were sympathetic (good ol' kiwis!) and granted me an interim visa on the spot, so I'm not illegal.  Once I get the results from the medical I'll send them in and should be granted a visitor's visa whihc will allow me to stay for another month and a bit.

Originally, I was meant to leave tomorrow, but I've managed to change my ticket to the 1st of November cause I'm having visitors!!!  My mom and uncle are coming to NZ in mid-October for two weeks.  So exciting!

So at the moment I'm squatting at Dave's and trying not to spend too much money, trying to sell my car, hoping to get some volunteering in at one of the local papers and baking and cleaning for my keep.  Also went skiing a few times (I'm actually getting better!) and been watching a lot of rugby.

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