Thursday, January 13, 2011

The problem with having such amazing friends and family is that it’s really hard to say goodbye…again.

What a great month in Canada. 
I indulged in lots of the food I’d been missing (see below), enjoyed some non-bunk-bed, non-shared room shut eye, and had numerous baths. 
More importantly, I spent lots of quality time with my immediate family, some good times with my extended family, and had an amazing week in Ottawa reconnecting with friends and meeting brand new humans Noah and Hugh.  I even got to see my mom and Roger get married! 
Predictably, I’m rather emotional (as many of you have seen over the last few days), and weepy (my eyes hurt). Though I’m excited to be heading back to New Zealand, it really is difficult to leave such incredible people behind.  I prefer the French expression “au revoir” to goodbye though, so I’ll see you all again before we know it.
A huge huge thank you to everyone for all your support and encouragement.
Liz, Ryan (and George and Hugh), you were incredibly welcoming hosts and I’m eternally grateful (there’s a small token of thanks on the guest room bedside table).  Julie T, Julie R, Christine, Leigh, Cristin, Melissa, Simon, and Alex, thanks for coming out for dinner last night (and for those who were at the Bachelor viewing extravaganza, thanks for sucking me in to the train wreck that is that show).
Nadia, it was so fortuitous that we were both in town at the same time.  Best of luck with MSF.  I hope you get a call today!  And can’t wait to see you Down Under (you too Jen!).
Luc, merci pour les “pep talks” et ton amitié. 
To the IDRC crew: great seeing you all and reconnecting, albeit too briefly. 
Mom, Rog, congratulations again, and thanks for all the love and support and rides and food J
Dame, thanks for visiting with me yesterday and for driving me to Ottawa last week.
Val, Paul, Johnny, Uncle Chris: thanks for being you J
OK, enough cheese for the moment. Let's look at some pictures of food.
Picollo's pizza

mom's granola

popcorn, hot chocolate, marshmallows, cheddar chips, All dressed chips.

I'd post more, but the internet is slow at the airport, and my flight is about to board.

Ciao for now!

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