Monday, February 28, 2011

Board in Gisborne (this post is about surfing. Puns are fun!)

I went surfing today, and many of you will be surprised to hear that I’m pretty good at it!

Ha!  Just kidding.  I’m terrible.  But I had fun nonetheless.

I casually mentioned wanting to go surfing to a girl in my room last night and she asked if she could come along to my lesson.  I was thrilled to have the company (even if she was loads better than me), and we had a blast. 

I do think the instructor from Blitz Surf Shop was rather disappointed that I wasn’t any better (to quote him, “you’re not the worst student I’ve ever had.” The subtext being, of course, that I’m up there).

I can't believe I'm posting this...

I did manage to stand up twice, but that was in the space of four hours.  I had expected as much else, frankly; I don’t snowboard, I’ve never skateboarded, and my core muscles and I are barely acquainted. 

This is about as good as it got, sadly.

I’m glad I kept at it though.  My surfing buddy and I stayed out in the waves from 10:45 until nearly 3:00.  I laughed, I sputtered, I swallowed sea water, and I banged up my knees pretty good in the process.

And now, I’m knackered.  My arms feel like wet noodles.  My head feels like it’s full of cotton balls.  My legs are wobbly.  My skin is tingly. 

I think I have an early night ahead of me…

While I have your attention, here are a few pics of Gisborne

A little further west from here this little finger of water (which, strangely is not named on the map I have) was litterally writhing with fish.

A totem pole that Canada presented to Gisborne to commemorate the 200th anniversary of Captain Cook's arrival on New Zealand's shores (he first landed in Gisborne, then got chased off by the Maori).  Cook later visited Canada's West coast, which is why this symbol was used.

Where the Taruheru And Waimata rivers meet.

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