Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Brisbane is much better in the light of day and out of the fog of sickness

Despite my last melancholic post, I’m very happy to be where I am. 
Once the cold started to wane, and the weather cleared, I was reminded just how fetching a city Brisbane is. 

A wide river snakes its way through the city, and inviting paths flow along its banks.  Adding to the picturesque panorama is the slew of attractive and fit Aussies who use the paths as their workout grounds.  As bikers and joggers whipped by me in all their sweaty hotness, I started to regret my impulse purchase at the Krispy Kreme I’d come across (a $3.50 “cream egg donut…mmmmmm.  Expensive AND tasty).
Floating walkway.  It's pretty cool.  There are some sections that I guess swing out to let boats through (near the rich people's houses.
There are plenty of strange and striking trees, plants, bushes and flowers to gaze at.  During the day the sky is alive with birds big (like the funny-looking ibis) and small while at night huge fruit bats take their place.

The ibis' head to body ratio is OFF THE CHARTS!
The downtown’s interesting modern buildings are peppered with old interesting ones, making for striking contrasts. 


The people seem nice and content.  For the most part, they’re also quite fashionable, with older women wearing what looks like designer wear and every second younger chick decked out in black tights and short skirts or shorts.  I think I stood out in my rolled up jeans and t-shirt.
What a tourist!
Though the weather at the moment is unseasonably cool, generally, I’m told, it’s really quite lovely.  It should return to its regular loveliness by early next week (Huzzah!).  I’m very delighted, since bad weather can have such a bearing on how I perceive a place.
For instance, yesterday morning when the sky was a monochromatic grey and rain was falling in a mist so light you could barely feel it, let alone protect yourself against it, I was still decidedly anti-Brisbane.  But by time the sun did break through the thick clouds at about three I was starting to sing a different tune. By then I was very happy to grab my book and my aforementioned donut and camp out on a bench for a good read.
One thing I’m still not liking about here is the fact that there is no wifi at the hostel.  Hell, they don’t even have a computer with an Internet connection (!!!).  It’s disappointing, and rather inconvenient, since the nearest Internet café is a 10 minute walk away and I’m stuck paying $4 for each hour I spend online.  I seem to remember that the public library on the South Bank has free Internet and Wifi.  I’m planning on making my way to that neck of the woods today anyway, so hopefully I’ll get a few things done for free!!!

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