Friday, September 10, 2010

Butts out!

Kudos to Brant MP Dave Levac for introducing a bill to fine cigarette butt tossers up to $3,000.  Chances are, it won't be inforced all that often, but just the threat should reduce the amount of butts littering sidewalks, parks, beaches and parking lots. 

I've never understood why we balk at someone throwing a paper cup on the ground, but have no problem with people casually tossing lit cigarettes around.  It's dirty, it's arrogant, and it's a little dangerous. You never know whether it could cause a fire, or get snatched up by a bird who doesn't know any better. Granted most people step on them to stub the out, but many don't, and just throw them aside when their bus pulls in to their stop, or flick them out of their car windows. 

And I don't agree with the argument that it's the government or the city's responsibility to provide more ashtrays to prevent littering. Non-smoking taxpayers already help foot the bill for smoking-related illnesses, we shouldn't also be paying for things that facilitate or encourage smoking. 

I predict that, as we now shake our heads that smoking was ever allowed in hospitals or planes,
in 30 years kids will be aghast that cigarette butt tossing was ever allowed.

If this bill does come to pass (fingers crossed), it would be great if smokers were required to carry their butts with them and dispose of them safely -- much like the poop and scoop practice we require of dog owners.

There might even be some money to be made.  Quick!  Someone invent an attractive pocket ashtray!

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